Structure of Man-Person Dynamism in the Adequate Anthropology of Karol Wojtyła
Karol Wojtyła, dynamism, , person, suppositum, fieriAbstract
The issue of dynamism plays an important role in Karol Wojtyła’s philosophical anthropology. His study takes into account the context of the philosophy of being and the philosophy of consciousness. He emphasizes the importance of experiencing one’s own subjectivity in the course of dynamism.
The purpose of the article is to present the structure of human dynamism proposed by Wojtyła. It contains three types of dynamism: dynamism of suppositum, dynamism in a human being (when something happens to him) and dynamism of human action. The first is in the metaphysical field, two more in the phenomenological field. This structure also contains the fieri factor understood as directing the dynamism to the subject.
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