Karol Wojtyła’s Criticism of Max Scheler’s Concept of a Person
person, consciousness, human agency, ethical experience, conscienceAbstract
The paper reconstructs Karol Wojtyła’s criticism of Max Scheler’s concept of a person, consciousness, and ethical experience. As underlined by Wojtyła, in the ethics of Scheler the concepts of consciousness and existence of a person are treated separately and the ethical experience is reduced to emotional experience of values. In addition, in the proposals of Scheler the personal agency which allows one to act, the normative functioning of the conscience as well as the moral obligation and the ethical values, are all eradicated. In other words, the proper understanding of the moral good and its practical implementation are distorted.
According to the Cracovian thinker, the person is not a sum of conscious experiences, but it rather is a truly existing entity that actualises itself in the acts of cognition and in the acts of action. Consciousness cannot be detached from the real existence of a person, because it is its act. Ethical experience is not only an experience of the content of values, but it is also an experience of the moral obligation and the conscience order, as well as the experience of being an agent and have the capacity to act.
According to the Wojtyła’s criticism of the proposal of ethics of Scheler, the latter is neither suitable for an adequate explanation of moral behavior, nor to picture the true agency of a person and its improvement that takes place through its actions.
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