Structures of Participation in the Philosophy of Drama by Józef Tischner
Józef Tischner, drama, philosophy of drama, participation, structures of participations, evilAbstract
The article is an analysis of how the concept of participation functions in the philosophy of drama by Józef Tischner. I begin by saying that this is the basic concept of this philosophy. Tischner gives two basic meanings of the drama using the concept of participation and then uses this concept very often. In my analysis, I observe how Tischner uses this concept, I investigate who participates and in what they participate, and I also reconstruct the structure of this participation. As a result it is revealed that the specific understanding of this concept is related to other basic concepts of this philosophy, e.g. to reciprocity or horizon. It also reveals – which is quite a surprise – an egological component of the philosophy of drama.
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