Politics as a „good work”. The basics of effective leadership
praxeology, effectiveness, good work, politicsAbstract
The main aim of this paper is to point out that the concept of Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s praxeology is still valid. The so-called theory of efficient operation, which can also be specified as the theory of “good work,” can be treated as a tool for reflection in political science. In this text the Kotarbiński’s concept is applied to the study of politics. It turns out that the social and political activities can be interpreted as a kind of “good job.” Of course, they must be satisfied some conditions. First – Kotarbiński demands to determine the objective to be achieved. Second – on the basis of the objective to formulate specific and precise political plan. Thirdly – the plan must be effectively implemented. Detailed rules and recommended steps will be discussed in the text.
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