Tischner’s dispute with Kołakowski over grace and freedom
Józef Tischner, Leszek Kołakowski, grace, freedom, Augustinianism, Pelagianism, semi-PelagianismAbstract
The present text addresses one of the stages of the controversy over grace and freedom originated by Pelagius and Saint Augustine. The protagonists of this stage are Leszek Kołakowski and Józef Tischner. As he was reconstructing the 17th-century debates between Jansenists and Molinists, Kołakowski posed a question about the relevance in: of this controversy for the contemporary times. Tischner, as he was critical of Kołakowski’s views, put forward his own solution to the problem of grace and freedom, which was in line with the thought of Saint Augustine. In the present text I place Tischner’s dispute with Kołakowski against the backdrop of earlier stages of the controversy, and I discuss the views held by both the thinkers. I also attempt to resolve this dispute and point to its significance for the philosophy of education and the philosophy of politics.
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