The hermeneutic symbol and the symbolization of a work of art according to Hans-Georg Gadamer


  • Marek Sołtysiak Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



a work of art, autopresentation, hermeneutic symbol, religious (methaphysical) symbol


H.-G. Gadamer distinguishes a hermeneutic symbol from both religious (metaphysical) symbol and a purely conventional one. In the religious aspect a symbol represents what it itself is not. Its essence is to replace and make present what is symbolized. According to Gadamer, there are fundamental differences between a religious (metaphysical) symbol and a hermeneutic symbol (work of art). A work of art, as an example of a hermeneutic symbol, brings an increase of being to what it represents. It does not refer us to what is symbolised by it, but reveals its content (albo: what is enclosed in it). It is thus a specific transcendence in immanence. Due to its essence, which is auto-presentation, a hermeneutic symbol is an endless game of revealing and hiding. Auto-presentation establishes hermeneutic symbolization of every work of art, as well as of every being. What is manifested in the auto-presentation of a work of art (of a being) refers to what is hidden in it.

A symbolization of a work of art (of a being) has also a syntactic dimension. In the process of cognition no being has just a single meaning, it is always connected with the meaning of other beings. There is a specific system of interconnections. It is particularly noticeable in the speech, where every word is understandable only in the context of other words. Also, an existential function can be distinguished within a hermeneutic symbol. A work of art calls to change the life of the one who met it – by revealing the truth about himself and the truth about the world he lives in.

Author Biography

  • Marek Sołtysiak, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    Kapłan, doktor filozofii, adiunkt Katedry Filozofii Poznania Wydziału Filozoficznego UPJPII. Zajmuje się filozofią poznania i antropologią filozoficzną. Zainteresowania naukowe: filozofia niemiecka XX wieku (w szczególności M. Heidegger i H. G. Gadamer) oraz myśl filozoficzna R. Descartesa.


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