The freedom of all freedoms. On the grounding foundations of contemporary constitutional thinking
religious freedom, freedom of conscience, right to religious freedom, human dignity, human rightsAbstract
In large parts of the world the freedom of all freedoms, namely religious freedom and the freedom of conscience, is at risk. But only if freedom in its most basic form, freedom of conscience as religious freedom, is guaranteed men are protected from physical and spiritual domination and violence by others. The need to protect men’s freedom is based on the assertion and the respect of human dignity as an inalienable right. And so is modern statehood. In our contemporary constitutions this conviction has become inviolable and irrevocable law on which governments base their legitimacy. The modern state is therefore rooted in a human conviction, a faith, that is, which to forget would take away its sole raison d’etre.References
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Der Verfasser ist Mitglied im Institut für Philosophie der Hochschule Benedikt XVI. Heiligenkreuz/Wien und ist Herausgeber der Reihe Das Bild vom Menschen und die Ordnung der Gesellschaft im Verlag Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
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