Preaching the Word of God to the Prisoners


  • Sławomir Płusa Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II



preaching to the prisoners, symbolic experience, kerygma, evangelisation, missions preaching


Preaching the Word of God in penitential institutions constitutes an entrance into a missionary terrain. This milieu is characterized with high degree of dechristianization and atheism as well as magical thinking. The inmates are subject to multidimensional pressure: they must face human judgement, confront their own sense of guilt, and also the criminal subculture. In the light of drastically limited possibilities of satisfying both their social and communication needs, the prisoners develop the attitude of lack of confidence, semblance of coping with their lives, and hidden fears.
Preaching the word of God in this particular context imposes high demands upon the preacher. He must be capable of evangelic preaching with its heart located in kerygma. His attitude towards the inmates must be devoid of condemnation as his main mission is to invite the listeners to create a personal relationship with God. The central subject of preaching in prison should be the Divine mercy (Misericordia) which reveals the true face of God. The language used should be both concrete and simple, which is meant to make Him a close Person. Within the preaching the priest should be able to build a symbolic experience, which shall enable the listeners to rebuild their bond with the source of life, and the sense of freedom and meaning being God and His Word himself.

Author Biography

  • Sławomir Płusa, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
    Sławomir Płusa – od 2002 roku wykładowca homiletyki w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym w Radomiu. Studia odbył w Lublinie, Tybindze i Würzburgu. Publikuje z dziedziny dydaktyki homiletyki i komunikacji wiary;


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