The Shroud of Turin and Witness of Gospels about the Lord’s Passion


  • Roman Bogacz Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Shroud of Turin, Passion of Christ, Cross, burial of Jesus


Although in the light of science it cannot be stated with certainty that the Shroud of Turin is the cloth in which Jesus Christ was wrapped during the burial, by analogy there is a possibility to conduct comparative studies on the Lord’s Passion derived from the Gospels and with the results of research by the syndonologists dealing with scientific analysis of the Shroud. The article is an attempt to compare such the accounts of the Gospel writers with the data from the Shroud of Turin. It seems that there are no contradictions in these data, they even confirm the entire Gospel descriptions. Moreover, these descriptions in many points seem very concise. On the other hand, the study of the Shroud provides many details not mentioned by the Gospel writers.

Author Biography

  • Roman Bogacz, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    Ks. Roman Bogacz – ur. w 1963 roku w Lubniu, biblista, prof. UPJPII, dr hab. teologii. Specjalizuje się w badaniach nad Listem do Hebrajczyków. Jest członkiem Polskiego Centrum Syndonologicznego.


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