The singing of the faithful in liturgy in light of the Vatican’s Musicam sacram


  • Wojciech Kałamarz Instytut Teologiczny Księży Misjonarzy, Kraków



liturgical folk song, church song, participation in liturgy, characteristics of liturgical music


In light of the Vatican’s 1967 instruction, entitled Musicam sacram, not only Gregorian choirs may be performed during liturgy, but also songs. These should be approved by the appropriate ecclesiastical authority. They should have arisen for the glory of God, have no relation to secularity (i.e. be holy) and be perfect in form. It would be good if the songwriters were also inspired by the Gregorian chant in their creation. An important role in the proper liturgical experience is silence. The Church also encourages the faithful to practice singing the Officium as well as become familiar with Gregorian chants.



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