Melodic transformations in the notation of the manuscript No. 44 of the Archives of the Cracow Cathedral Chapter on the example of the introit Introduxit vos


  • Tomasz Głuchowski Akademia Muzyczna we Wrocławiu, Wrocław



introit, Introduxit vos, melodic transformations, gradual, Olbracht, analysis


The article discusses the melodic transformations of the introit of Introduxit vos originating
from the Krakow gradual of Jan Olbracht (1499–1506). For this purpose, a comparison
was made between the work recorded in the line notation and the records of
adiastematic notations (Sanktgallen and Metzene) and diastematic notation (Aquitaine
notation). When analyzing the Krakow version of the introit, were also taken into account
the historical-liturgical background, the text context with its literary structure, the
melodic-rhythmic and melodic-verbal layers. The melodic identity of the introit and its
modifications have been described in both cases.
The article uses source materials (4) and other bibliographic items.


Źródła rękopiśmienne

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