Selected Issues Introducing the Topic of Atheism


  • Bartłomiej Krzos Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II



Atheism, introduction, terminology, atheism vs. religion, religious belief


Atheism has been considered an attractive topic of scientific reflection and discussion in the last decade. The field of interest in the study of atheism today overlaps with many areas of scientific research. Having in mind the current prevalence of atheism and when starting to study this issue, one should ask the question about the best possible starting point. The aim of this short article is to look at whether similar issues are recurring in the studied literature. The answer to the problem above is affirmative, as it is indeed possible to notice several themes repeated in various introductions to atheism. These are, first of all, terminological issues, secondly, related to religious faith and its meaning in the psychological and social context, and thirdly, issues of the attitudes of atheists and non-believers to the content of religious faith, as well as historical issues. Due to the abundance of material, the latter have been deliberately omitted from this text. The remaining topics are listed in the above text and discussed briefly.


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