Formation and Daily Life of the Seminarians of the Lower Seminary in Sandomierz from 1928-1938


  • Robert Rędzio



Sandomierz, Sandomierz diocese, lower seminary, Private Gymnasium of the Diocesan Curia in Sandomierz


In the formation of candidates for the priesthood, seminaries have an extremely important place. They prepare young men for independent pastoral work through spiritual and intellectual formation. In the mid-19th century, so-called “lower seminaries” began to be established. They accepted students who expressed a desire to begin early formation for the clerical state. In addition, these schools balanced the intellectual level of future alumni. One such seminary was also established in Sandomierz in 1924. And four years later it was given the status of a middle school called the Private Gymnasium of the Diocesan Curia in Sandomierz. The purpose of this article is to show the ways of formation and daily life of the students of this lower seminary from 1928-1938. Source materials from the Sandomierz Diocese Archives and the Sandomierz Diocesan Library were used. The topic is presented in four parts: the number, origin and age structure of clerics, their functions and duties, issues of spiritual and intellectual formation, and matters of daily life. The article broadens the state of research on the history of the Sandomierz diocese, the issues of formation of candidates for the priesthood, as well as the history of Sandomierz education.


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