An Outline of the Philosophical Views of Stanisław Lem




Lem, philosophy, views, ontology, anthropology


In this article I tried to present briefly the main philosophical assumptions of Stanisław Lem. However, I arranged them in an order typical for classical Christian Philosophy, paying attention in following order: cognitive and scientific issues, ontological issues and those related to the Absolute Being, as well as to anthropological and ethical issues. After analyzing Lem's philosophical views, there was a need to delve deeper into the thoughts of the Polish futurologist, who – as can be seen in his theses and conclusions – anticipated the views that are popular today in postmodern philosophy, long before they were announced by the people considered to be their creators. What is also noteworthy it is the specific realism of the Polish author, which can sometimes border on philosophical pessimism. It is certainly worth subjecting Lem's theses to in-depth analysis and discussion.


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Źródła internetowe:

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