The Biblical Sources of the Opening Prayer for the Anniversary of the Priestly Ordination


  • Andrzej Dudek Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



liturgical hermeneutics, opening prayer, biblical sources in the liturgy, anniversary of priestly ordination, priesthood of Christ, priestly ministry


The eucological formula of the Roman Missal for the anniversary of ordination to the priesthood (1092-C) is full of a theological content. The Latin text translated into the vernacular must convey what lies in Latin concepts. The formation of liturgical texts is a process of composition that brings together many quotes and allusions to the concepts elaborated during prayer and through theological reflection which are part of the treasure of the universal Church. In this article, following the clues of liturgical hermeneutics, we sought to individuate all biblical sources of the opening prayer. We must confirm that they are many. Beginning with the appeal to God the Father, through the concept of the only priesthood of the New Covenant, that of Jesus Christ, we arrive to the presbyteral duties of ministry and administration of divine grace that take place within the Church.

Author Biography

  • Andrzej Dudek, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    Don Andrzej Dudek – dottore della liturgia, assistente e professore della liturgia presso Facoltà di Teologia Sezione di Tarnów, direttore della Commissione Liturgica in Tarnów, redattore generale della rivista „Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne”.


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