Conscience as the perfect Interpreter of human morality on teaching of Jerzy Ablewicz, the Bishop of Tarnów (1962-1990)
conscience, human, development, bishop Ablewicz, morality, formationAbstract
Archbishop Jerzy Ablewicz seeking grounds for moral teaching, focused on the man, as a moral entity. Expression of human subjectivity is moral conscience. Through carrying out its functions, it is on top of the elements that constitute the dignity of every person. Conscience is a necessary condition for man to act as a human right. Pastor of the Church in the ministry of the word Tarnów reminded frequently about the Church's teaching on human conscience. Therefore, the aim of this publication is on-closer to his teaching on conscience as the interpretation of human morality. According to the Archbishop of conscience plays an important role in human moral development. It is legitimate and authoritative standard rule of conduct. However, conscience can determine the right way forward and shape the moral life of man must be well-formed. Ablewicz indicating the measures to this end, seek to shape the conscience of such a man to be able to act in a spirit of responsibility for themselves, others and the world, that is, ultimately, to do good moral.Downloads
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