Cooperation of Family and School in Patriotic Education as an Expression of Concern for the Proper Development of the Child’s Social Attitudes. Adoption of the Conclusions from the Study of Patriotic Education


  • Andrzej Sułek Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



patriotism, social attitudes, education, family, school, religiosity, values


This article attempts to answer the question: what mental features and what social factors are the sources of patriotism? Patriotism was defined as the attitude of a human who has a positive and committed attitude towards his own nation, but also has an encouraging attitude regarding other nations. Empirical studies have indicated a number of sources of patriotism, the most important of which are environmental and social impacts of the family, school, religious community, peer groups and own self-activity. Human religiosity and favored values also play a significant role, especially those that relate to the common good. The conclusions from these analyzes emphasize the need for taking into account the children’s sense of community with the group and the sense of the common good that they value and care for in patriotic education. It is of vital importance that religious content is not omitted or ignored, for religiosity is a strong support for patriotism, from which moral obligation flows towards the motherland and the nation. Differences in the motivation of patriotism in men and women allow us to formulate the need of drawing attention to interpersonal cooperation, praising of heroism and responsible work for the homeland. However, in the patriotic education of girls, it is worth emphasizing the beauty of the Polish landscape, nature and works of culture and art. All these endeavors require cooperation between parents and teachers, because they are important authorities for children and from whom children learn social attitudes, including the approach of being patriotic towards their nation and people.

Author Biography

  • Andrzej Sułek, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    Ks. Andrzej Sułek – kapłan diecezji tarnowskiej, teolog, doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie psychologii, wykładowca w Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie, dyrektor Diecezjalnego Ośrodka Pomocy Psychologicznej Osobom Duchownym, Konsekrowanym i Świeckim w Tarnowie, wiceprezes Zarządu Stowarzyszenia Poradnia Specjalistyczna i Telefon Zaufania ARKA w Tarnowie.


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