Relations of Tarnów bishops with the Congregation of the SistersServants in Dębica in the years 1880–1937




The Congregation of the Sisters Servants in Dębica, Tarnow Diocese, Alojzy Pukalski, Ignacy Łobos, Leon Wałęga, Franciszek Lisowski


Founder of Servant Sisters of the Mother of God of the Virgin Immaculately Conceived bl. Edmund Bojanowski obliged the sisters to have a permanent relationship with the administrator of the diocese where the institiutons are located. He ordered the servants to subordinate the place to each bishop. Without his permission, new homes could not be opend. The sisters also reported on their
activities to the Ordinary or to the Bishop’s Commissar appointed by him. Entries in convent chronicles and consistory documents testify to the paternal approach of Tarnów bishops to the Servants of Dębica. Starting from bp. Józef Alojzy Pukalski (Bishop of Tarnów in 1851–1885), during whose reign the sisters founded their first institution in the diocese,up to bp. Franciszek Lisowski (Bishop of Tarnów in 1933–1939), when during his pastoral care Pope Pius XI approved the Constitution of the Congregation and thus it came under the special care of the Church. 


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