Muzeum-Rezerwat „Bitwa pod Stalingradem” – historia i nowoczesność


  • Sergey Ivanyuk Muzeum-Rezerwat „Bitwa pod Stalingradem” w Wołgogradzie
  • Irina Skorchenko Muzeum-Rezerwat „Bitwa pod Stalingradem” w Wołgogradzie


Słowa kluczowe:

Wołgograd, Stalingrad, bitwa pod Stalingradem, Muzeum-Rezerwat „Bitwa pod Stalingradem”, II wojna światowa, muzealnictwo


The article is dedicated to issues connected with the foundation and functioning of a leading the Russian museum-outpost – the Museum “The Battle of Stalingrad” in Volgograd. In years 1942–1943 in Volgograd, called Stalingrad at that time, and on its suburbs one of most important battles of World War II took place; for more than five months Red Army, with the huge cost of human losses, beat off the attack of German armies aiming to overtake this strategically important place. Memory about those events is cultivated by the Museum “The Battle of Stalingrad”. The museum is not only a place of constant and temporary exhibitions; it is also a place of educational and informational activity. Everything what is connected with the heroic defence of Stalingrad – the all military equipment, banners, documents, photographs and other souvenirs coming from the period of World War II can be seen in several departments of the museum located in the city; about 2 000 000 people visit the place each year.



Музей Обороны Царицына открылся. Шестидесятитысячный митинг трудящихся Сталинграда, „Сталинградская правда”, 3 августа 1940 г.

Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 22.12.2011 г., № 1671, [dostęp: 25.01.2018].


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Волгоград – город-герой: Путеводитель по историческим местам города, Москва 1977.

Куликов В.В., Сталинградский показательный универмаг в предвоенные годы, [w:] Ежегодник Музей-заповедник Сталинградская битва, Волгоград 2013, s. 50–53.

Музей: история и современность: Материалы научно-практической конференции, Волгоград 1997.

Самсонов А.М., Сталинградская битва, Москва 1989.







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