Selected aspects of modern trinitology
Trinity, Son of God, Holy Spirit, language, doctrine, love, freedom, communion, prayerAbstract
Theology has recently witnessed a renewed interest in the primary mystery of Christianity, namely the mystery of the Holy Trinity. The effects of theological reflection in this matter are becoming more and more visible. More prominent position of Christology inevitably results in a profound reflection over the origins of Jesus Christ phenomenon framed by the mystery of the Trinity as well as over his lasting connection with this mystery (pre-existence). Jesus Christ is described to be in a strong relation with both the Father and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, a plenty of works and suggested perspectives may be found in Trinitarian theology, which evidently influence new catechisms and religion textbooks. This study points out to certain issues which seem to arouse a greatest interest in Trinitarian theology. First, it has to be said, that the most emphasised matter is self-communication of God, which results in the statement that the mystery of the Holy Trinity is concealed from Man and leads to the enlightenment of His life. The reflection upon the mystery of Jesus Christ usually stresses all the themes where He appears as the Son of the Father. Particularly significant in this respect is the so called “logion of John” (Matthew 11:25–27). In the case of the Holy Spirit the major issue is His connection not only with the reality of freedom in God and in Man, but also with the mystery of the communion and the love of God. Because of the significant role of language in the reflection over the Holy Trinity there are some voices suggesting wider application of the biblical language. Finally, it has to be stressed that a prayer, as the way to loving cognition of God, is a commonly discussed topic.References
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