The legislation of emperor Justinian (527–565) and its reception in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic space


  • Cătălina Mititelu Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania



Roman Law, Byzantine Law, Comments of the Roman jurists, Justinian (527–565)


From this study, the reader will find out that the reception of the Roman Law, and especially of the old Roman Law (ius antiquum) – consisting of the utterances of Roman jurists about Law and its nature etc. – in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic space, went through a new phase during Justinian (527–565), who actually managed to master a part of the north-Danubian territory. Both the old “Law of the Land” and the “Nomocanons” (Pravila), which contain elements of Roman and Byzantine Law, and also of customary law, confirm that Justinian’s legislation – accompanied by comments by the great jurists of the time – was also disseminated in the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic space.


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