“Holy Trinity” Rublev as an iconographic catechism of Orthodoxy





Orthodox catechism, Orthodox theology, icon theology, Rublev, Holy Trinity


The content of the article is an iconographic and theological analysis of the icon of the Holy Trinity, written by Andriej Rublev. According to the Catechism of the Orthodox Church, there is a close analogy between the representation of the Holy Trinity in the icon and the truths of faith expressed in the Creed. Following this lead, the article analyzes the individual elements of the icon, such as the representation of the figures of angels that correspond to the individual persons of the Holy Trinity, the attitudes they take towards each other, as well as the objects that accompany them. In all these elements, one can read the iconographic representation of the basic truths of the Christian faith in relation to the mystery of God, His saving work in the history of the world, as well as in relation to the relationship of man with God, who, entering these mysteries through contemplation, opens up to the gift deification.


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