The philosophical components of cognition contemplative


  • Iwona Münter Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



original contemplation, structure antinomy-mystery, antithetic-synchronous and diachronic pluralism


For the present a man is looking for a specific kind of spirituality: its variety of ideas with often a bad influence on, among other things, the truth, good and beauty. This dangerous situation involves the radical position in human life. In article I present the contemplative pattern of existence according to real, deep reflection or prayer. At first, there is a description of existence as fundamental for all reality analyses. Next, an intuition and its kinds, definition of cognition contemplative, co-existence the truth and good as transcendental values, the anthropological and psychological aspects, too. Finally, the article shows connections between contemplation and metaphysics and also natural theology. These particular components of cognition create the structure of contemplation.


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