Wybrane aspekty dobra rodziny oraz ochrony praw dziecka na podstawie przepisów Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z 2 kwietnia 1997 roku oraz nauczania Jana Pawła II skierowanego do rodaków w czasie pielgrzymek do Polski


  • Tomasz Kornecki Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Słowa kluczowe:

family, child, constitution, John Paul II, Poland, Church teaching


The family is the union of two people whose relationship aims, among other things, at having children. The relationship built within the smallest cells of society, but also relationship affected by external factors. One of these external factors is the statutory law, including the constitution. The Polish Constitution with its regulations and principles protects the rights of both the child and family well-being. These rules, which form the basis of other legislative acts, should be respected and interpreted in the appropriate way. Pope John Paul II emphasized that family and children are the most important values for humanity. In papal teaching the protection of the family is discussed frequently and from many different angles. Modern Poland needs the family to exist. Hence one should not only listen to the voice of the Holy Father, but also explore the papal teachings on the family and children in Poland in subsequent research.





