The Councils, which Support the Diocesan Bishop


  • Stanisław Iwańczak Rzym



particular Church, diocese, diocesan bishop, auxiliary collegial organs, diocesan councils, “extracanonical” councils, pastoral service, managing the diocese


As for the internal ordering of particular Churches, the actual Code of Canon Law mentions a few collegial organs, which assist in managing the diocese (cann. 460–514). The object of this paper is not to analyze all the auxiliary collegial organs mentioned by the Code, but to consider only those organs, which are councils – the councils, which support the diocesan bishop. Such councils are: the finance council; the episcopal council; the presbyteral council; the mission council and the college of consultors; the pastoral council – all of them support the bishop, especially in the pastoral service as well as in managing the spiritual and temporal goods of the diocese. The diocesan bishop, apart from these “canonical” councils, can also institute in his diocese other councils, which are not in the Code, for example: the decanal council, the religious council, the council concerning young people, the catechetical etc. All these serve as consultative organs of the bishop. Their opinions, advices or proposals should support the diocesan bishop and assist him in managing his diocese in a proper way.



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