Penalties Reserved to the Apostolic See


  • Stanisław Iwańczak Rzym



delict, penalty, excommunication, delicta graviora, criminal law


The object of this paper are penalties, which are reserved to the Apostolic See. As well the actual Code of Canon Law as the documents of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith present six delicts, for which one is a latae sententiae excommunication, and this penalty can remit only the Apostolic See. To the category of the delicts delicta graviora, which at the same time are delicta reservata, in other words, delicts reserved to the Apostolic See, belong: the profanation of the consecrated species (can. 1367), the physical force against the Roman Pontiff (can. 1370 § 1), the absolution of an accomplice in a sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue (cann. 1378 § 1, 977), the consecration of someone a bishop without of a pontifical mandate (can. 1382), direct betrayal of the sacramental seal (can. 1388 § 1), the attempt of conferring of the holy orders on a woman. The petitions of remission of penalties for the above-mentioned delicts one should always apply to the Apostolic See according to the presented indications.



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