The influence and significance of monastic lace workshops on the development of Polish lace-making (as exemplified by the Benedictine Convent in Staniątki)
bobbin lace, lacemaker, Staniątki, BenedictineAbstract
The running of schools by the Benedictine nuns at Staniątki was the most important aspect of the external activities of the convent and with time it became one of their main and most important activities in general. Free Education “Maidens lay” was their duty. That apartment next to the Prayer was the basic assumptions of the reformed Benedictine Rule “pray and work”.This article presents selected examples of lace from the collections of the Benedictine monastery in Staniatki. That would represent only a small fraction of these treasures stored weight of Historical Walls. Undoubtedly the number and also the quality of the laces are evidence of extraordinary artistic craftsmanship. That works, probably made not only by nuns or monastery school students but also by their lacemakers, had a great importance and influence on the development of Polish lace tread.
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