Szlak bojowy k.u.k. Feldjägerbataillon Nr. 27 podczas I wojny światowej




Austro-Hungarian Army, I World War, , Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Galicia, Bukovina


The paper presents the k.u.k. Feldjägerbataillon Nr. 27 – Austro-Hungarian 27th Rifle Battalion during World War I. The first part is a describtion of the unit based on archival sources and studies. The text is supplemented by appendices: the detail information about combat record of the 27th Rifle Battalion during World War I, compiled on the basis of precise records in personal documents of a Pole serving in the unit, Włodzimierz Krynicki, and a biographical information about the officer. The text also discusses nationality issues in the battalion, manned mainly by Ukrainians and Romanians, and explains the circumstances under which its soldiers found themselves in Kraków in November 1918. It also provides some information to the study of the process of disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian army at the end of the First World War.



Osterreichisches Staatsarchiv, Kriegsarchiv

Archive der Truppenkorper


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