Framing Neuroethical Praxis: Wojtyła’s Metaphysical Subject and its Modernist Cartesian Variants


  • Denis Larrivee Loyola University Chicago, USA
  • Luis Echarte Mind and Brain Institute, School of Medicine, University of Navarra, Pamplona, SPAIN


Słowa kluczowe:

Metaphysical subject, neuroethics, bioethics, humanum suppositum, posthumanism, Wojtyła, Heidegger, extended mind theory, integration, theology of the body


Numerous neuroethical quandaries today mark concerns over the normative propriety of corporal intervention in the nervous system. At the center of the debates is the question of how the human subject is understood. Accounts influenced by Cartesian metaphysics separate the subject into his immaterial and material manifestations, yielding ethical approaches that devalue the body and neural architecture. Contemporary neuroscience, on the one hand, proposes that the subject is purely a physiological creation, whereas posthumanism privileges the isolated ego on the other; both, thereby, validate an arbitrary neuroethical praxis. By anchoring neuroethics in the metaphysical subject Wojtyła proposes a fundamental corrective to these metaethical approaches, and the promise of a new praxis for corporal intervention in the brain.

Biogramy autorów

  • Denis Larrivee - Loyola University Chicago, USA

    Denis Larrivee – is a Visiting Scholar at Loyola University Chicago, and holds memberships in the International Association of Catholic Bioethicists and International Neuroethics Society. He is the author of some fifty papers and the current editor of a volume on brain computer interfacing and global neural dynamics.

  • Luis Echarte - Mind and Brain Institute, School of Medicine, University of Navarra, Pamplona, SPAIN
    Luis Echarte – is a professor in the Mind and Brain Institute, School of Medicine, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.


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