The contemporary science and the new theo(cosmo)logy project
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Heller M., Mezei B. M ., Barbour I. R ., god of the gaps, physicotheology, picture of the world, The big bang, fine tuning, the anthropic principle, quantum revolution, negative theology, entropyAbstrakt
Balázs Mezei, in an essay entitled Demythologizing Christian philosophy: an outline, criticizes the position he describes as “cosmotheology”. By this he means a philosophical refl ection on the world that is strongly conditioned by the pre-Copernican conception of the universe. In his opinion, the only solution to the problem of “cosmotheology” is to “demythologize” philosophy, freeing it from all cosmological conditions, which constitute only an unnecessary burden. Michał Heller presents a diff erent attitude. He argues that theology – that is, rational refl ection on Christian revelation – must take into account what in many publications he calls “the current image of the world.” Science is supposed to be a specific locus theologicus: a source of refl ection and theological argumentation. A theologian cannot turn his back on such important issues for modern science as the Big Bang theory, the eternity and infinity of the universe, fine tuning of the initial conditions of the universe. These data from the natural sciences can not only inspire but also point to new ways of understanding classical theological theories. It is the concept of “inspiration” that seems to be central to the approach that we have defined as “the new theo (cosmology)”. On a few selected examples we want to show how, on the basis of the latest cosmological data, Heller shapes the “new theology”, creatively refl ecting on questions about the creation of the world, its eternity, and Providence caringly supporting the existence of the universe.Bibliografia
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2021 Sebastian Gałecki, Katarzyna Szufa

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