Lévinas’ substitution – substantial service for the other?


  • Krzysztof Kaczmarczyk




Lévinas, substitution, service, love, mercy, messiah


This paper examines the central theme of Lévinas’ ethics, namely, substitution. It compares it first to various forms of love: love­‑eros, friendship, spousal love, and finally Christian love­‑agape. Then, taking into account the question of mercy, it discusses two approaches to service: a purely human one and a religious one. Such a parallel, according to the author, allows a better understanding of substitution, which appears henceforth as a service rendered to the other rather than a love of the other. Unlike love, service is primarily a work performed. It does not require reciprocity or intimate knowledge, which are two essential aspirations of love. Substitution is nevertheless an extraordinary service, because it is „total”: it is willing to save the other, taking him entirely on itself, like a messiah. But is this type of service possible?

Author Biography

  • Krzysztof Kaczmarczyk
    Absolwent filozofii Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego oraz francuskiej École Saint Jean. Obecnie doktorant na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie. Nauczyciel etyki w krakowskim gimnazjum. Tłumacz m.in. M.-D. Philippe’a, Pielgrzymowanie filozoficzne. List do przyjaciela, Lublin 2003 oraz (wraz z innymi), na język francuski: La phénoménologie polonaise et le christianisme, dir. K. Tarnowski, Paris 2015. Interesuje się filozofią Arystotelesa.


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