Reasoning and Moderation as Principles of International Humanitarian Law (Part 1)


  • Magdalena M. Baran



humanitarian law, moderation, reasoning, war, values


Thinking of war means facing ideas and theories much different than those known and good established in everyday life. Even well known concept demands redefinitions. Among ideas understood as intellectual tools of war one can indicate two crucial, accompanying each consideration about war as such. Those are moderation and reasoning. Both should be present in out thinking about war, no matter if we would analyze political, legal, ethical or humanitarian dimensions of war or – in the other hand – no matter if we would consider its meaning for whole community or life/fate of individual human being. The first part of this article focuses on theoretical considerations, while further analyzes will indicate the consequences that thinking in the spirit of moderation and reasoning has in theory and practice of international humanitarian law.

Author Biography

  • Magdalena M. Baran
    Magdalena M. Baran, dr, adiunkt w Insty­tu­cie Filozofii i Socjologii Uniwersytetu Pe­da­go­gicz­nego w Krakowie. Jej zainteresowania badawcze obejmują: filozofię wojny, etyki stosowane, filozofię polityczną i społeczną, historię idei. Stypendystka Instytutu Nauk o Czło­wie­ku w Wiedniu, Uniwersytetu Wie­deń­skie­go, Uniwersytetu w Siegen, Uni­wer­sy­tetu w Würz­burgu. Gościnny profesor na Uni­wer­sy­te­cie w Györ i Uniwersytecie w Mur­cji. Czło­nek redakcji kwartalnika.


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