Fides, Ratio et Caritas – the Philosophical Study about Cognitive Activity in the Context of Augustine Introspection


  • Robert Warchał Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



St. Augustine, ontology, being, love, faith and reason, knowledge, soul


Augustine, as a theologian, bases his philosophy mostly on the authority and deposit of Faith Revealed, but his philosophical dissertations are also concerned with the truth of human cognition. The Christian writer pays special attention that the christian faith need a mind, but also it implies a strong relationship to what is held than does ordinary belief, so revealde truth and simple belief are not identical. The author distinguishes between these concepts and he strongly emphasizes that the other beliefs may be strictly matters of faith resting upon the reasons. The second thesis is obviously concerned with the author’s attitude towards the systems undermining such possibility, namely the skepticism of middle academy. Additionally, the topic is undoubtedly noteworthy as the dissertations of this old Christian writer seem to reach far beyond his times – Augustine alights on conclusions that are in the spirit of contemporary thinking. It is also worth mentioning that Augustine in a way anticipates the contemporary concept of soul, which was originated by Descartes. Unquestionably, both writers link human spirituality to God. According to Augustine a soul recognizes itself by inner turning towards itself. A thorough analysis of this process reveals co-substantialism of three powers in this recognition: memory, intellect and will. It is thanks to this inner triad that a soul has the ability of identification in which it discovers itself as existing. The result of such self-discovery is love of the soul, proceeded by its intellectual insight. In a way, one has to know something in order to be able to love it. According to Augustine, it is impossible to love something one does not know. The problem of love will serve Augustine to present two vital issues. The first one is the theological reflection on the mystery of Holy Trinity. The other describes the perspective of communion with the Absolute itself, in the context of Bible anthropology. It is interesting to notice that the author claims this communion to be possible through intellectual cognition and love, which arouses this cognition by exciting desire towards the loved thing. Augustine believes that love is intrinsically triple (similarly to innerly active soul). There can be no love without the loving one, the loved being and the love which connects them. The three conditions, namely the soul, its love and cognition, also exist in the case of the soul’s love towards itself. According to Augustine, it is impossible to love God without the love for human being and likewise one cannot love human being without the love for God (who is love). As presented by Augustine, love is being discovered through intellectual cognition and thanks to it human being participates in the love of God, who is its only source.. It is through love that a human being has a participation in God Himself. For Augustine this has a dual character, both uniting and making similar to God. This unusual element of anthropology shows us that even now, in this life, a human being is granted with an opportunity of getting to know God and of inner (ontic) transformation triggered by the love of God.

Author Biography

  • Robert Warchał, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

    Robert Warchał, doktor nauk humanistycznych, absolwent UPJPII w Krakowie; ukończył studia teologiczne (studia magisterskie) oraz filozoficzne (studia doktoranckie); nauczyciel filozofii, religii i etyki w XLIII LO im. Zofii Chrzanowskiej w Krakowie oraz w Zespole Szkół im. ks. kard. A.S. Sapiehy MIRiP. Publikacje: Zbielała grań (Nowa Sól 2013), Zarys augustyńskiej filozofii wolności („Teologia i Człowiek” 32 (2015) nr 4, s. 91–103), Przedświt (Nowa Sól 2016), Nieśmiertelność i geneza ludzkiej duszy w wybranych dziełach św. Augustyna („Kwartalnik Filozoficzny” 47 (2019) z. 1, s. 75–90), Czy niektóre aspekty nauczania św. Augustyna mogą być ex post nazwane ontologizmem? („Kwartalnik Filozoficzny” 47 (2019) z. 3–4, s. 69–82), „Animus et conscientia” – gnozeologiczne przesłanki Augustyńskiej aksjologii („Humaniora. Czasopismo Internetowe” 30 (2020) 2, s. 47–58), Ontologiczne przesłanki augustyńskiej antropologii („Teologia i Człowiek” 52 (2020) nr 4, s. 11–25), Pareidolie (Kraków 2020), De Pulchra, pax omnium rerum tranquillitas ordinis. Przyczynki do estetyki św. Augustyna („Teologia i Człowiek” 54 (2021) 2, s. 63–75).


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