Xavier Tilliette’s Interpretation of the Concept of Intellectual Intuition by Immanuel Kant





intellectual intuition, Immanuel Kant, Xavier Tilliette, german idealism, french philosophy


The paper focuses on the Kantian understanding of the concept of intellectual intuition and its interpretation by the contemporary French philosopher Xavier Tilliette. The aim of this paper is to present and examine the legitimacy of the search for intuitive knowledge in the work of the Kant, and to present Xavier Tilliette’s understanding of this problem. At the beginning of the article, the context of the creation was described and the concept itself was defined, which in the light of Immanuel Kant’s work appears to be controversial. Furthermore, Tilliette’s interpretation is presented: as a German idealism scholar and an heir to the French philosophical tradition, he takes a critical look at the Kantian understanding of the concept, pointing to its ambiguity and outlining the problem of inconsistency and accuracy. 


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