The Sacred Heart of Jesus as the revelation, source and agent of the Divine Mercy


  • Janusz Królikowski Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Sacred Heart of Jesus, Divine Mercy, cult, love, spirituality


From the theological point of view today there is a need of focusing on the question of the mutual relation between the theology of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the theology of the Divine Mercy. The Issue has to be considered mainly because of the growing veneration of the Divine Mercy, which in many aspects evidently adopts certain elements which traditionally belong to the worship of the Sacred Heart. The connection between these two cults can only be perceived after a profound theological analysis. Therefore, in this item I propose a theological perspective on the teachings of Saint Pope John Paul II, included in encyclicals Redemptor hominis (4th March 1979) and Dives in misericordia (30th November 1980), since these two significant and current documents contain valid and inspiring statements allowing the reader to grasp the relation between the theology of the Sacred Heart and the theology of the Divine Mercy. This authoritative and theologically profound background will indicate explicitly the close connection between the two cults and the respective theologies and how they complement each other. The proposed view deeply rooted in the teachings of Saint John Paul II may constitute a guideline for coherent combination of these two kinds of worship within Christian devotion. The growing cult of the Devine Mercy should be allowed to merge with other types of worship. The intention is to place the cult of the Divine Mercy within the tradition of the Church devotion, and at the same time to discover its hidden spiritual possibilities of the actualisation of the Church cult and adaptation of it to the new spiritual condition of the present times.

Author Biography

  • Janusz Królikowski, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
    Ks. Janusz Królikowski – prof. dr hab.; kapłan diecezji tarnowskiej; od 2014 roku dziekan Wydziału Teologicznego Sekcja w Tarnowie (UPJPII); teolog dogmatyk, wydawca tekstów źródłowych do dziejów kultury duchowej w Polsce, autor licznych publikacji z tych dziedzin; członek towarzystw naukowych w kraju i za granicą. E-mail:


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