The Cultural Dimension of Liturgical Formation




liturgy, worship, culture, inculturation, liturgical formation


The author of the article undertakes a reflection upon the issue of renewal and vivification of the traditional relation of liturgy and culture, whose condition seems to be an appropriate liturgical formation of the contemporary faithful. Liturgy understood as worship of God performed by people is a part of human culture. Liturgy is a special example of the Christian inculturation, lasting continuously within the history. Today this process requires considering new challenges facing the crisis of modern culture, which has loosen its bond with religion. A contemporary man has lost the ability to comprehend the symbolic language of liturgy. Therefore the Pope Francis in his Letter  Desiderio desideravi indicates a need of deepened liturgical formation of the faithful. Such formation, that will let the faithful grasp the timeless message of liturgy, will also unable them to shape it by applying new cultural codes. In this sense liturgical formation may play an important role in regaining connection of culture and liturgy, so that liturgy could still form and enrich culture, at the same time drawing from its heritage.

Author Biography

  • Przemysław Nowakowski, The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Faculty of Theology

    Przemysław Nowakowski CM – dr hab., misjonarz św. Wincentego a Paulo, dyrektor Instytutu Liturgicznego Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, wykładowca na tym uniwersytecie i w Instytucie Nauk Religijnych w Kijowie (Ukraina). Członek redakcji czasopism: „Ephemerides Liturgicae”, „Polonia Sacra”, „Nasza Przeszłość”. Inicjator i koordynator dorocznych międzynarodowych sympozjów liturgicznych „Ad Fontes Liturgicos” (Polska, Słowacja, Ukraina, Węgry). W latach 2020–2022 redaktor serii publikacji na temat Synodu Zamojskiego Kościoła greckokatolickiego (1720). Zainteresowania naukowe: liturgika porównawcza, wpływy łacińskie na liturgię obrządku bizantyjskiego w Kościele greckokatolickim, bizantyjsko-słowiańskie księgi liturgiczne (XVII i XVIII wiek). 


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