Liturgical Celebrations of Holy Week in the Light of Contemporary Research on Paschal Events




Eucharist, Last Supper, Easter, Holy Week


Holy Week, crowned by the Resurrection from the dead, has for centuries been the most important liturgical event of the year. In terms of importance, it can only be compared to the Lord’s Day — Sunday. Both celebrations have their origins in Judaism, where the Sabbath and Passover were treated similarly. The Sabbath was a day for the Lord, and Passover was the most important festival. The saving events are conditioned by historical time, as recorded by the Evangelists. Unfortunately, despite the accuracy of the Gospel authors, it is still difficult to establish a precise chronology, or even to indicate the year in which the crucifixion took place. In the following article, the formation of the Holy Week tradition is presented together with a historical reference as well as three contemporary proposals of dating the Passion. The initial stage was the so-called dispute over the date of Easter and it has also been presented first. Then the dynamic development of the tradition of Holy Week in the fourth century, and finally the most recent historical research covering the chronology of the Paschal events.


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