Humanity and divinity of the Son of Man in His passion, death and resurrection. Three teachings of Jesus on his Passion from Mark’s perspective


  • Stanisław Witkowski Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Humanity of Jesus, destiny of the Son of Man, humiliation of Jesus, lack of understanding from the disciples, „give his life”, Resurrection of Jesus


The article refers to Mark’s Christology, that has a primitive character and expresses itself, inter alia, under the title “Son of Man”. The author presents it as a specific aspect referring to three teachings of Jesus on his dramatic fate (Mark 8, 31–32, 9, 30–32, 10, 32–34) and also in the statement of Jesus where He speaks about the giving of his life as a ransom for many (cf. Mark 10, 45). The analysed title “Son of Man” combines humiliation and glory. Mark indeed stresses in each of the three teachings that the Son of Man will resurrect by his own power. His death is a liberation of man – the slave of sin. Therefore, the Evangelist showed indirectly that in the title „Son of Man” are hidden both the humanity and divinity of Jesus, despite the fact that Mark put more emphasis on Jesus’ tormented humanity.

Author Biography

  • Stanisław Witkowski, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

    Ks. Stanisław Witkowski MS (ur. 7.05.1960), dr hab. teologii biblijnej, adiunkt w Katedrze Egzegezy Nowego Testamentu UPJPII w Krakowie, studiował w Papieskim Instytucie Biblijnym w Rzymie (LNB). Interesuje się problematyką dotyczącą zagadnień synoptycznych oraz kwestiami z zakresu Pism Janowych i teologii św. Pawła. Autor publikacji: Męka Pańska według Ewangelii św. Jana, Kraków 2001; Listy do siedmiu Kościołów (Ap 2–3), Kraków 2002; Nowa jakość życia. Kazanie na Górze Mt 5–7, Kraków 2004. Autor artykułów naukowych nawiązujących głównie do Listu do Rzymian.


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