Próba przybliżenia zagadnienia symboliki liczb w muzyce Johanna Sebastiana Bacha w kontekście historycznym oraz badań Christopha Bosserta i grupy Bach-Societät
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Johann Sebastian Bach, symbolika, gematria, Christoph Bossert, Lorenz Mitzler, gesamttakt, symetriaAbstrakt
In 1947 Friedrich Smend has developed the theory about numerological symbolism in Bach’s music. In similar way to the cabalistic gematria, he discovered, the coinherence of symbolic name “Bach” as the number 14, and “J.S.Bach” as 41. He claimed that it is possible to find that Bach has used that symbolism in his compositions. The exaple of this operation is possible to find in the first part of ClavierÜbung: this work is made from 41 movements, and was published as the first printed work from Bach in his life. And Bach started to write this work as he was 41 years old. On the Hausmann painting, Bach has got the manuscript contain fragment of 14 canons. The painting was made because of Bach’s joining as 14th member to the Mitzler Society. Those simple conclusions lead to establish the international searching group for common platform for music, theology and symbolical numbers in Bach’s ouvre. This group has mainly researched the text-based works, and did not focus on the correspondence among the series-work of Bach. Profesor Christoph Bossert with his over 20 years of his research work discovered the special code, which Bach might to used for his compositions. Based on that discoveries, he constitute the Bach-Societät group, which is focused on researches and discovering connections among the theology, symbolism and musical structures in whole Bach’s music.
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