Górecki’s Beatus vir to teach Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Jesus of Nazareth). Theological interpretation


  • Mateusz Ziemlewski Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie




Christian humanism, Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, John Paul II, Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI, music, musical work, psalm, salvation, theological interpretation, theology of music


The article concerns the theological interpretation of a musical work. The subject of considerations is the work of Henryk Mikołaj Górecki titled Beatus vir (1978), dedicated to Pope John Paul II. The work is based on the poetry of selected psalms and is to commemorate the martyr’s death of the Krakow bishop Saint Stanislaus. The composer uses the musical language to transmit and intensify the content present in the text. Both the words of psalms and music can be interpreted in the theological context. It is a figure of the Blessed Husband, understood both as a figure of Saint Stanisław and the Polish Pope. The theological sense of the work is interpreted by reference to the theology of Joseph Ratzinger and shows the complementary cooperation of the language of music and theology.



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