The Liturgical Music in the Italian Church
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Functionality, word, forms, repertoire, rituality, training, compositionAbstrakt
The modern era of liturgical music in the Church in Italy has favored a situation in which a multiplicity of languages, styles and genres that probably characterize its uniqueness in the world scene coexist. We certainly cannot say that we live such a happy era from this point of view. After almost 60 years in which a false concept of liturgical creativity has been operating almost undisturbed, we are faced with an immense variety of situations within which – even in the presence of virtuous and significant experiences – a sort of generalized mediocrity is imposed which is almost all The cornerstones dictated by tradition and redefined by Vatican II. It is more than ever necessary to rediscover some fundamental concepts: the functionality of liturgical music; the music that wears the word; musical forms; the
choice of the repertoire; the need for training; The task of the liturgical music composer.
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Council of Trent, Conciliar Constitution De observandis et vitandis in celebratione Missae, 1562.
Second Vatican Council, Conciliar Constitution Sacrosanctum concilium, 1964.
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John XXII, Bull Docta sanctorum patrum, 1322.
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Saint John Paul II, Chirograph for the centenary of the Motu Proprio Inter sollicitudines, 2003.
Saint Pius X, Motu Proprio Inter sollicitudines, 1903.
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