„I address my song to the king” (Ps 45:2). The category of musical beauty in the liturgical celebration
beauty, liturgical celebration, Gregorian chant, organ music, vocal-and-instrumental musicAbstract
The beauty of music at the service of the liturgical celebration. Derived from the biblical evidence (cf. Ps 45) and theology (cf. J. Ratzinger / Benedict XVI), the beauty of liturgical music leads to an encounter with God, who is the most perfect Beauty. Three types of liturgical music: vocal, instrumental and choral, offer countless opportunities to reach the Beauty. They create not only a richness of touching the Mystery, but direct, intuitive encounter with God. Among the various genres of music associated with the liturgy of the Church the ones that are especially worth noting are those recorded in the traditions and laws: Gregorian chant, Palestrina’s polyphony, Church song, organ music and choral music with its wide range of performing arrangements (soloists, choir, and orchestra). All of these, confirmed by the history of music, and recorded in the documents of the Church, are demanding reliable and aesthetic updates in relation to the knowledge of “the spirit of the liturgy” (cf. Joseph Ratzinger). This requirement calls for a series of actions of formation (on the musical, liturgical and spiritual level). The proposals placed in the article (responsorial psalm, choral music for worship and organ music at the end) are examples of how specifically the beauty called for by the documents, written in the liturgical texts – is to be incarnated into the time and space of the liturgical celebration.
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