The Liturgical Poetics of the Triduum
Triduum, Covid-19, poetry, Ubi caritas, Pange lingua, Exsultet, EasterAbstract
With the cancellation of the public celebration of the Triduum during the pandemic of 2020, how may Catholics spiritually participate in these liturgies? This essay argues that a key way of participating in liturgies, even when physically absent from the celebration itself, is through meditation on the poetic texts of the liturgy. Liturgical poetry offers an entree into salvation history through the mediation of the chanted word. The essay attends to three liturgical poems of the Triduum including the Ubi caritas of Holy Thursday, the Pange lingua of Good Friday, and the Exsultet of the Easter Vigil. In each of these poems, the texts bring the Christian into the presence of Christ’s Paschal Mystery, attuning the Christian to enjoy the spiritual fruits of the Triduum.
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