Gregorian Chant Ordinary Rediscovered – Examples of Using Gregorian Melodies of the Ordinary of the Mass in the 20thand 21st-Century Liturgical Compositions




Gregorian chant Ordinary, liturgical music legislation, choral compositions


Official documents referring to laws and principles of music in the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church in Roman Rite remind that the Church acknowledges primacy of Gregorian chant but also allows other forms of singing, especially polyphony. It is, however, recommended that people’s participation in the singing of Ordinarium Missae should not be completely excluded. It can be slightly problematic to put those guidelines into practice. Certain suggestions of how to engage both people and a polyphonic choir may be found in selected compositions by Wolfram Menschick, Rev. Zdzisław Bernat and Katarzyna Danel.

Author Biography

  • Szymon Bajon, Akademia Muzyczna im. Ignacego Jana Paderewskiego w Poznaniu

    Rev. Szymon Bajon – born on April 2nd, 1985, in Leszno, Poland. In the years 2005–2011, he studied theology in the Faculty of Theology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and completed his priestly formation at the Archbishop Seminary in Poznań. He took holy orders on May 26th, 2011. In the years 2013–2018, he studied choral conducting under Professor Przemysław Pałka at the I. J. Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. He was granted the Master of Art degree after the defense exam of a thesis titled Ewokacyjne “Lux aeterna” Wolfganga Amadeusza Mozarta [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Evocative Lux aeterna]. Member of the Polish Association of Church Musicians [Polski Związek Muzyków Kościelnych]. Reporter for Church Music in Poznań Archdiocese. Lecturer at the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. Second conductor of Poznań Boys’ and Men’s Cathedral Choir.


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