Charles Peirce’s “Neglected Argument” for the Reality of God


  • Bartłomiej Krzos Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II



Peirce, neglected, argument, reality, God


In this text, I have focused on the second of three parts of Charles S. Peirce’s argument for the reality of God. The analysis of Peirce’s inquiry by which he justifies his belief will be based on his work entitled Neglected Argument. The content has been organized as follows: first, the thought process described by Peirce, called: „the play of muse” which humbly leads many people to „God hypothesis”, has been justified as natural for a man. Secondly, „God hypothesis” itself has been validated as a natural result of „the play of muse”. Thirdly, the author of the argument listed three properties of this idea, thanks to which it becomes credible, and thus it comes much closer to the truth. I consider these issues interesting and worthy of further research and scientific work.


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