The first stage of activity of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, today the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. From the Apostolic Constitution “Immensa aeterni Dei” of Pope Sixtus V to the Apostolic Constitution “Caelestis Hierusalem cives” of Pope Urb
beatification, canonization, Sixtus V, Urban VIII, Roman Curia, Sacred Congregation of RitesAbstract
The earliest history of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, one of the most important Congregations od the Roman Curia, is essential for the shaping of the modern concept of canonized holiness. It encompasses the period spanning from the promulgation of the Apostolic Constitution Immensa aeterni Dei (1588) by Sixtus V to the Apostolic Constitution Caelestis Hierusalem cives (1634) of Pope Urban VIII. Within this arduous period, an institution was born whose functioning procedures, gradually developing, enabled holiness to be validated in the life of the Church. At the same time it was possible to use the particular examples of saints and blessed to demonstrate which models of holiness represent exceptional spiritual value and contribute to the building of the Church.
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