Practical faith and its functions. A philosophical sketch




practical faith, moral faith, philosophical faith, freedom, naturalistic error, Kant, Kierkegaard, Jaspers


This article contains a sketch of the concept of practical faith and a presentation of two important functions that this concept can perform in practical philosophy. The idea of practical faith is a synthesis based on the interpretation of three concepts of faith: moral faith from Kant’s philosophy, religious faith, on which the so-called „third stage” of life in Kierkegaard’s thought is based, and philosophical faith presented in Jaspers’ philosophy. The author presents these functions of practical faith, due to which it transcends the sphere of descriptive knowledge. For practical philosophy these functions are of major importance because they are the source of subject acceptance of the first principles of this philosophy, i.e. the thesis of human freedom and the thesis of the existence of the sphere of value (different than the sphere of facts and objects). If a philosophy of value were logically based on practical faith, it would be free from the charge of the naturalistic error in axiology.


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