Dyskusje wokół przejęcia dziedzictwa po śmierci cesarza Ferdynanda I w korespondencji jego synów z lat 1564–1567




Słowa kluczowe:

dziedzictwo, Habsburg, cesarz Ferdynand I, cesarz Maksymilian II, korespondencja, podział dziedzictwa, arcyksiężniczki, finanse, Ferdynand Tyrolski


The heritage left by Emperor Ferdinand I was discussed in numerous correspondences between his sons, especially Maximilian and Ferdinand. Maximilian II, as emperor, bore the greatest burden of taking over the inheritance of his late father. Together with the imperial crown, he took over many problems of both a political and financial nature. Fulfilling the last will of the late emperor was not an easy task, as the brothers disagreed on several issues. It was primarily about financial matters. The subject of quite a stormy discussion was primarily the division of income that the brothers were supposed to raise, and their contribution to paying off their father’s debts, which the Habsburgs had to constantly struggle with. Solving this problem was not the easiest thing to do. This was achieved only two years after the death of his father during the convention in Linz, in 1566. In addition, issues related to the maintenance of the archduchess needed to be discussed. It was up to the brothers to take care of the sisters. From the correspondence it is clear that they cooperated with each other, but this cooperation was not the easiest.



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Korrespondenzen österreichischer Herrscher. Korrespondenz Maximilians II, Bd. 2: Familienkorrespondenz 1566 August 9 bis 1567 Dezember 27, V. Bibl (Hrsg.), Wien–Holzhausen 1921.


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