Russian plans at the Diet of the Republic of Poland in 1744
Polish-Russian relations, the Wettin dynasty, tsarist Elizabeth Petrovna, reform plans of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Polish Diet in 1744Abstract
At the Diet in 1744 and 1746, the Polish authorities tried to obtain a permit to enlarge the army, reduced at the request of Russia in 1717. For the first time since then, these intentions were viewed favourably in St. Petersburg. These actions were caused by the efforts of the government-appointed by Tsar Elizabeth Petrovna to create a bloc of states directed against the rapidly developing Prussia. To this end, Russia was ready to change its policy. However, as a result of a survey conducted on the possibilities of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and its development prospects, St. Petersburg decided not to rely on Polish forces in the fight against Prussia and returned to the previous policy.References
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