Trinitarian formulas in eastern and western Eucharistic Prayers


  • Janusz Królikowski Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Holy Trinity, baptism, Eucharist, liturgy, Eucharistic Prayer, Profession of Faith


The Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist constitute the centre of the Church liturgy, since they are a solemn celebration of faith and they point at those issues which constitute the key benchmark for life of all the believers. It is most clearly visible in the fact that from the very beginnings of the Church the rites of baptism and Eucharist constitute the first and most significant testimony of faith in the Holy Trinity and they are the profession of this faith. This general observation outlines the perspective of this study which shows in what way, in the liturgy, a certain evolution of faith in the Holy Trinity took place, and how this faith has been consolidated in the present day liturgy. Therefore this study is an attempt to review the Trinitarian formulas which may be found in eastern and western liturgies, in order to show in what way they express the Trinitarian contents. In reference to western liturgies we focus mainly on the Roman and Gallican liturgies which clearly interacted throughout history, and the present Roman liturgy is the outcome of this interaction. The side effect of the development of the Trinitarian formulas and the Trinitarian piety is the liturgical holiday of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity which despite certain initial difficulties has found its place in the Church liturgy. The analyses carried out show, in the first place, that the Church liturgy is an important testimony of the Trinitarian faith and the example of how to experience it within the soteriological framework. Better understanding of the liturgical proposition might contribute to the revival of the Trinitarian faith and to the eliciting of its existential meaning.


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